360° Leadership Assessment Tools

The 360° inventory is a multiple rater input tool that collects information from the participant, the participant’s manager, direct reports, and peers.

You can choose from several leadership assessment tools. We can work with your own internally developed tool or one of the quality, leading-edge assessment tools from Kaiser Leadership Solutions, Hogan Assessment Systems, The Booth Company, Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner or Center for Creative Leadership. In addition, MetaSkills can partner with online survey providers to support you in the creation of a customized survey to suit your particular need.  As certified user or distributor for several assessment surveys, MetaSkills can offer you the tools and support for the survey that best fits your organization.

  • “We can change the future, not the past.
    Feedforward helps people envision and focus on a
    positive future, not a failed past. By giving people
    ideas on how they can be even more successful,
    we increase their chances of success.”

    Marshall Goldsmith

Hogan 360° feedback survey

The Hogan 360° is an easy-to-administer questionnaire for comprehensively reviewing leaders at any level of management. It captures confidential feedback from the individual manager, his/her own manager, peers, and direct reports. The report provides a measure of the individual’s attitude, behavior and performance. Anyone certified in the Hogan assessments are certified to use the Hogan 360 after watching the qualifying video. Customizable.

Leadership Versatility Index® (LVI) 360° feedback survey

The LVI 360° is built around two basic pairs of opposing dimensions in leadership: forceful-enabling and strategic-operational. This assessment rates whether the participant is underdoing a behavior or action, overdoing it, or doing it at just the right amount (optimal performance). Open-ended questions can be added to the survey to elicit direct comments. The LVI is based on the leadership model in the book, The Versatile Leader, published by Kaplan DeVries, Inc.  The LVI survey is published by Kaiser Leadership Solutions.
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TruScore 360° feedback surveys

TruScore offers 360 degree feedback assessments based on the Task Cycle®, a validated theory of leadership and management roles. The comprehensive set of assessments from TruScore measures the fundamental skills of mission-critical organizational roles. The surveys fall into four categories:

  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Individual Contributors
  • Special Applications (Sales, Coaching)

TruScore provides a unique international database, accumulated since 1972, which includes over 150 million question scores. These scores are updated and averaged annually to help participants determine if their skills are competitive against the same role in other companies or within their own organization. TruScore also offers custom 360° surveys or access to their survey platform for your organization’s survey.
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Kouzes & Posner Leadership Practices Inventory 360° feedback survey

Leadership Practices Inventory® (LPI®), is a 360-degree assessment tool by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  Based on the book The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner, the 360-degree assessment focuses on the five leadership practices:

  • Model the Way
  • Inspire a Shared Vision
  • Challenge the Process
  • Enable Others to Act
  • Encourage the Heart

The LPI is validated and reliable.  More information about the five practices and its validity can be found on The Leadership Challenge website.  The LPI is an online assessment.
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Center for Creative Leadership Benchmarks®

This 360° assessment covers 21 strength and development areas. The assessment provides information about how a participant compares to others in similar organizations and gives ratings for both importance and competence. A Development Learning Guide is included with the survey.
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Interview-Based and Custom Online 360° Assessments

MetaSkills can also work directly with you to create an assessment customized for your organization.  The 360 can be entirely interview based, entirely online, or a combination, based on your internal competency model.

When creating an interview-based 360° assessment, we gather contextual and specific behavioral information through interviews so we can generate a well-rounded assessment of an individual’s talents and shadow side. We speak with the participant and the participant’s manager, direct reports, and peers. As well as other topics, we review the interviewee’s:

  • Work history
  • Past successes and learnings
  • Self-assessment of development needs
  • Others’ assessments of key strengths and development

When creating an online 360, we work with you to identify the items and rater scales to use.  Items may be based on your organization’s competency model or be focused on a specific set of behaviors.  We partner with online survey companies to provide you with an easily accessible and administered survey experience.